
All advertising copy must be in the Dragon Con office by 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the deadline day.

  • Progress Report Deadline: June 14, 2024
  • Program Book Deadline: July 19, 2024
  • Quick Start Guide Deadline: August 2, 2024
  • Gaming Guidebook Deadline: August 9, 2024

Advertising Application

As we continue to reinvent our publications, we will continue with the digital publication of both the Progress Report and Gaming Guide.  The Quick Start Guide, our comprehensive schedule and maps guide to all things Dragon Con, will be both a digital and print publication.  All three publications will be shared on our website, social media, and the Dragon Con app in both PDF and a fun interactive format.

Our social media audience is vast and expansive amounting to over 320,000 followers across Facebook. Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. With an average 8.6% engagement rate across the platforms, the digital publications will put your brand’s advertisement in front of tens of thousands of engaged and passionate Dragon Con fans!

What does that mean for you? We are now offering Digital Advertising opportunities to our advertising partners! Not only will your advertisements be in full RGB, but we are also allowing each advertisement to hyperlink* out to your website as well.

The 2024 Progress Report will be posted on all of the main Dragon Con social media channels and website following a Town Hall announcement of the publication mid-July. The Quick Start Guide and Gaming Guide will be uploaded in the days prior to the convention weekend after a Town Hall reveal. *New for 2024, the Program Book will be added to the digital portfolio just before the show in August.

Additional event advertising opportunities include banner ads in the Dragon Con App, with over 2.5M dashboard views, and wraps and screen ads on the ATMs located around the convention.

For rates and information, please see the table below.

Discounts Available for Multiple Publication Purchases

Please fill out the form linked here when reserving ad space in any of Dragon Con’s publications. Completed forms should be emailed to or printed and mailed along with payment to the address below.


Payment is required with ad copy, on or before each deadline. We accept checks, money orders, and all major credit cards in US dollars ($) only. In rare instances, we will invoice on a net 30 days post-publication basis, please make any request to be billed post-publication no later than 10 business days before the published deadline. If a request is made, and not approved, payment must be received by published deadline in order for the ad to be placed. DO NOT SEND CASH.

Please make all checks and money orders out to Dragon Con. Please direct all billing inquiries to the Dragon Con office.

Please send all payments to the Dragon Con office:

By Mail:
Dragon Con
Attention: Advertising
5044 Clark Howell Hwy.
Atlanta, GA 30349

By Phone: 404-669-0773

Deadlines, Rates, & Specs by Publication

Progress Report Program Book Quick Start Guide Gaming Guidebook
Deadline June 14, 2024 July 19, 2024 August 2, 2024 August 9, 2024
Half Page $250 $600 $500 $250
Full Page $400 $1200 $800 $400
Interior Front Cover $600 $2500 $1000 $500
Interior Back Cover $600 $2500 $1000 $450
Exterior Back Cover $600 $4000 $1200 $600
Distribution Available on Website and Social Media 20,000 Printed and Available for Download via Social Media and Website 25,000 Printed and Available for Download via App, Social Media, and Website Available for Download via App and Website
Trim Size
Half Page 2.10″w x 6.64″h OR 4.37″w x 2.89″h 3.5″w x 9.875″h OR 7.375″w x 4.75″h 3.5″w x 9.875″h OR 7.375″w x 4.75″h 2.29″w x 7.47″h OR 4.833″w x 3.74″h
Full Page 4.39″w x 7.3″h 8.375″w x 10.875″h 8.375″w x 10.875″h 4.83″w x 7.83″h
Interior Front Cover 5.66″w x 8.7″h 8.375″w x 10.875″h 8.375″w x 10.875″h 5.625″w x 8.75″h
Interior Back Cover 5.66″w x 8.7″h 8.375″w x 10.875″h 8.375″w x 10.875″h 5.625″w x 8.75″h
Exterior Back Cover Not Available 8.375″w x 10.875″h 8.375″w x 10.875″h 5.75″w x 8.75″h
Bleeds All Ads: .25″ bleed
Live Area No live matter is to be within .5″ of the trim edges of the page dimensions unless it is acceptable to bleed that matter. Not responsible for “live” material in bleed/crop area.
Interior Ads Progress Report and Gaming Guide: RGB 300 dpi, 133 line screen recommended (266 dpi), maximum density 280. Program Book and Quick Start Guide: CMYK 300 dpi, 133 line screen recommended (266 dpi), maximum density 280.
Internal and External Covers RBG 300 dpi CMYK 300 dpi CMYK 300 dpi RBG 300 dpi
File Type TIF or PDF format ONLY

Electronic Ad Submission

Advertisers may email their ads to


Policy: Dragon Con reserves the right to keep this publication strictly industry-oriented. The publisher may refuse ads which do not relate to the sci-fi/fantasy community. Dragon Con assumes no responsibility for misprints or claims and actions by advertisers. All rates contained in this rate card are subject to change without notice. Dragon Con reserves the right to stop accepting new ads for publications prior to their deadline. This does not affect already purchased ad material deadlines.

Errors: The publisher is not responsible for errors resulting from illegible or incorrectly submitted copy. The publisher’s liability for any error shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by that error. No credit will be issued for errors in ads or changes in ad copy after published deadline.

Return Privilege: Except as otherwise specified in any ad, an advertiser must accept the return of any merchandise postmarked within 10 days of its receipt by a customer when returned in the same condition as received.

Discounts: Place ads in any two or more publications and receive 10% of the total cost of advertising.

P.O. Box Ads are allowed, but the permanent home address or place of business of the advertiser must be filed with the publisher before advertisements may be printed.

Phone Ads: Ad copy or changes to ad copy are not accepted over the phone. (Besides being expensive and time-consuming, errors in the ad copy tend to occur when dictation is taken over the phone.)

Placement: Advertisers are urged to specify the classification location for their ad(s). The publisher will have final authority on placement of ads. Requests should be made in writing. Placement not guaranteed.

Republishing Rights: As a condition of advertising in a Dragon Con publication, Dragon Con retains the right to republish all material submitted for advertisements in whatever manner it chooses.

All advertisers are responsible for understanding and following our standard advertising policies.